Can I work during my course
Normally you are allowed to work for 20 hours part time per week during your full time course. However, during vacations you can work full time.
Is getting a part time job difficult
No. It is not so difficult to get a part time job. In fact, If you are open to all kinds of legitimate work, securing a part time job could be very easy too.In fact you are respected for all kinds of work in the other countries and your part time job is also a learning house for you as it offers you a chance of improving upon your communication skills, exposes you to real time work, initiates you to interact with different people, improves the confidence level and above all assists you with the better handling of your expense account.
How do I make a choice about the University, the course and the place
Sajco Educational Services could assist the candidate in making a right and a balanced choice after learning their requirements following an informal discussion on various relevant subjects. We work as a friend and an advisor with the candidate in making the most appropriate choice. We also provide the right information sources to its students that could further assist the cause.
How long is the admission procedure
It differs for different Colleges / Universities. Approximate time period would be 5 to 8 weeks. However Sajco Educational Services tries it's best to get the College/University's response about students' acceptance earlier.
What kind of accommodation could I get while my course
The student can choose their accommodation as per their choice.
College/University Halls, Hostel of Residence
Self Catered Where the students can cook their own food
Catered Where the student is provided with the food
Private Accommodation
Rented Shared Apartment (Students can make their own group of colleagues or could directly join other people living in an apartment in a separate room on rent)
Stay in a hotel or a guest house